Today I will clarify how to standardize naming convention at PLSQL that may differ from one to another but I will present my view that I believe it is the most suitable to make your code more readable.
I want the post to be shortly so I will enter the subject directly by summarizing in the following table.
Type of Element Naming Convention Example
the first four points refer to scope
1-Local Variable lv_<identifier> lv_counter
2-Local Constant lc_<indentifier> lc_rate
3-global Variable (package specification variables) gv_<indentifier> gv_max_rate
4-global Constant(package specification Constants) gc_<indentifier> gc_rate
I will use 'SC' in the following to refer to scope as explained above
5-Explicit Cursor sc_<identifier>_cur l_emp_cur
6-Cursor variables sc_<identifier>_cv l_empno_cv
7-Record types sc_<identifier>_rt l_emp_rt
8-Collection(Nested Table) sc_<identifier>nt l_depts_nt
9-Collection(Varray) sc_<identifier>vat l_depts_vat
10-Collection(Associative Array) sc_<identifier>aat l_depts_aat
11-Object Type sc<identifier>ot l_dept_ot
12-In Parameters in_<identifier> in_empcode
13-Out parameters out_<identifier> out_empcode
14-In Out parameters io<identifier> io_empcode
You must comment your code to be English like and comment before every signature of function or procedure like the following
/*Procedure Purpose : XXXXXXXX
/*Author Name : XXXXXXXX
/*Creation Date : XXXXXXXX
/*Modify Date : XXXXXXXX - Reason of modification
/*$parameters :
/* par1 : xxxxx
/* parn : xxxxx
/*Function Output : XXXXXXXXXX
/*******************************************************************/By previous comment you doesn't dig into code to know purpose of procedure.
At the end you may like my naming convention or not, So you must use what you like.
I hope that post is useful and helpful
Mahmoud Ahmed El-Sayed
is there any way to create a oracle report on excel sheet based rather than oracle table...
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