01 July, 2012

ADF : Iterate ViewObject

In some cases you want to iterate through ViewObject, To do this you have two choice
1- Iterate through ViewObject and change current row in ViewObject
2- Iterate through ViewObject without changing current row

I will present a code snippet  for every one
Assume that you will do this code in ApplicationModuleImpl class

1- Iterate through ViewObject and change current row in ViewObject

     ViewObjectImpl viewObject = getAllAdvisorView();  
     while (viewObject.hasNext()) {  
       Row row = viewObject.next();  
       // DO what do you want in Row  

2- Iterate through ViewObject without changing current row

     ViewObjectImpl viewObject = getAllAdvisorView();  
     RowSetIterator rsIterator = viewObject.createRowSetIterator(null);  
     while (rsIterator.hasNext()) {  
       Row row = rsIterator.next();  
       // DO what do you want in Row  



  1. Example in #1 affect [change] current row in viewobject while example in #2 doesn't affect [change] current row in view object and you can make multiple RowSetIterator for the same viewobject

  2. rsIterator.reset();
    لا حاجة لاستخدامها في الكود الثاني
    وهناك حاجة لها في الكود الأول
    كونك لا تضمن موقع الـ iterator



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